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Baby Foot Skin Exfoliation Baby Foot Skin Exfoliation |
Baby Foot Skin Exfoliation
Your Discounted Price: $25.00
SALE PRICE: $22.62
Google_Product Category: Health & Beauty > Personal Care > Cosmetics > Skin Care Product_Type: Skin Care Masks & Peels GTIN: 4533213668263
* Whole number only
Baby Foot
Deep skin exfoliation - only one application removes dead skin cells! Say "goodbye" to hard, dry, cracked feet! Dead skin cells will start to peel within 2-7 days!Baby Foot Easy Pack is an easy three-step process: apply, soak, then wash away. It takes only one week* to remove the dead skin cells from the sole which means only one application to make your sole like a baby’s.
About Baby Foot
Baby Foot is designed to remove the unsightly,dead skin cells on your feet that build up over time and can contribute to numerous problems associated with soles of your feet. Dead skin cells accumulate due to pressure and friction from ordinary activities such as standing,exercising, and wearing shoes. In many cases, feet become cracked and painful from the accumulation of dead skin.
In the past, frequent use of foot files and razors were used to "remove" the dead skin on your feet. However, this was a temporary fix because as we now know from recent research, filing generates more friction to the soles of your feet which in turn creates more dead skin. No more filing with the use of our Baby Foot product.
Baby Foot is an unparalleled, total foot care package that provides you with the opportunity to care for and maintain your feet at home. Our scientifically formulated product contains 17 types of natural extracts which exfoliate and moisturize at the same time. The principal ingredient of Baby Foot is fruit acid which is very gentle, when compared with other acids. The fruit acid penetrates into the layers of dead skin cells and breaks down the desmosomes which hold the layers together. By this process, skin is undamaged but peels easily away from the fresh layer beneath. After peeling, your feet are reborn just like a baby’s foot, giving you healthy, beautiful feet.
This effective and gentle process removes the unwanted dead skin cells that have built up layer after layer. In addition, Baby Foot can improve other foot issues like: Foot Odor, Athletes Foot and Blood Circulation. So say goodbye to rough, dry, cracked soles.

Item Number: 4533213668263
Manufacturer: Baby Foot
Manufacturer Part No: 4533213668263
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